Help center> How to guide

1. Buyer guide

1. Visit

2. Sign Up for free by clicking on Create Account in the middle of the homepage.

3. Fill the form and submit your registration! Our staff will take care of your approval.

2. Using Diamondsonline

1. Once your registration is complete, you can start browsing our collection of stones. If you’re specifically looking for certified stones, simply click on “Certified Diamonds” and select the one that suits you best.

2. To assist with your search, use the filter tab to find results tailored to your needs.

3. Choose your preferred filters and click “Apply“.

4. Once you selected your stone, you can check every detail of it.

5. For a better visualization of the stone, you can use our 3D video, which provides a view similar to observing the stone under a 10x magnification. This feature is incredibly useful for inspecting every single detail of the stone.

3. Adding to cart

1. Once you’ve selected your stone, simply click ‘Add to Cart‘ and proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.
For any further assistance, feel free to contact our Help Center at [email protected].